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My Research

Main | 01

Microfluidic Particle-Analyzing Device

My principal work is dealing with the microfluidics novel device based on impedance sensing method to detect cell or particle charateristics. Circular tumor cells are vital targets we wish to differentiate inside the anomalous blood. Coplanar electrodes are deposited and tend to sense the impedance difference with cell penetration. To see more details, Click on MORE !  

TA Job | 02

Clinical Application of Medical Electronic Device-Course EEE5040, NTU

As the chief Teaching assistant to lead Course team organizing curricula affiliated with medical application and electronics engineering. Since Taiwan possesses a predominant position in electronics technology, technology installations to medical field are urged and robust to establish promising medical devices meeting grand market demand. The course then provides the channel nurturing design thinking in new era of medical devices. To see more, click on MORE!
Analog Circuit Simulation and Design
-Electronics Research IC Laboratory, NTU

Undergraduate Research in analog circuit simulation with testing performances. Two-stage OTA and CMOTA specification design for optimal performances as largest dc gain, phase margin and bandwidth with minimum power consumption. To see more work, Click on MORE!!

College| 03

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